Lavanda in Toscana, Tuscany lavander


Solo 2 rimanente

Stampa fotolitografica su carta Tintoretto, di un acquerello di Massimo Pantani.
È il colore blu che fa da padrone in questo raffinato acquerello
I fiori di lavanda avvolgono come una cornice questo scorcio toscano, e sembra quasi di sentirne il profumo.
Come tutte le opere di Massimo Pantani, anche questa sa regalarci un senso di leggerezza, di pace e di tranquillità , sensazioni che solo questi paesaggi sanno trasmetterci.
Le dimensioni della stampa con passepartout sono cm 20x37

Massimo Pantani was born in San Gimignano, Tuscany on 14th August 1956. He is entitled and loves to define
himself as a self-taught artist. His instinctive brush-stroke is not inspired by any sophisticated concepts.
This peculiar instinctiveness is indeed at its best when it comes to rocky landscapes. Those very landscapes
which abound in Tuscany, are translated/interpreted in all their simplicity and beauty in our artist’s works.
His strokes are incisive certainly not mawkish and are to put in result the general scene rather than details.
His style might seem unfinished because of the unworked brush-strokes and the final result may look as a sketch.
Yet, a perceptive analysis recognises the non-necessity of a more define and precise trait.
The message is clearly given to the viewer who unconsciously becomes part of such landscapes.

The size of the print with mat is cm 20x37